Insights |
Who’s on your Red Team?
I recently read about a concept used in cybersecurity of a “Red Team”. It probably had its origins in the military and wargaming but, in essence, it’s about having people Articles |
Are you in a Silo of One?
A common issue for many founders, business owners and leaders is operating in a “silo of one”. It’s said that it’s sometimes lonely being the boss, and CEO/MDs will often Articles |
How to avoid a Leadership Echo-chamber
The term “echo-chamber” is often applied to today’s news and social media. The concept is an environment in which an individual only encounters beliefs or opinions that coincide with their News |
Peer Networks in Greater Lincolnshire
Our partners at SkillsReach have been appointed to run a number of tailored Peer Network programmes for the Voluntary Sector and for Rural businesses in Greater Lincolnshire. The programmes are News |
COVID-19: Free Business Mentoring Support
As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerates, with the resulting economic impact, smaller businesses are facing challenges that were unthinkable just a few weeks ago. The pace of decision making can seem Articles |
Pause, Pivot or Persist?
There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic is testing the leadership skills of businesses both large and small. Many have seen a dramatic cliff-edge drop-off in revenues, whilst others Insights |
What’s the winning aspiration for your business?
There’s an excellent question in the book Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works that I think gets to the heart of business strategy. “What’s your winning aspiration?” Why is this phrase Articles |